
Looking ahead to retirement

Awareness Workshop

"When will you retire?" It's a classic question when you're approaching sixty, and the answers are many and varied. There are those who dread it, those who would like to continue working as long as possible, and those who, on the contrary, look forward to it with impatience, tired or frustrated by working life and the feeling of no longer fitting in....

Retirement can be the transition from a full life to a potentially "empty" one. Even for those who dream of it, retirement brings with it an element of stress and (unconscious) anxiety, which can be detrimental to the last years of work, with the risk of 'burn-out' or 'bore-out'.

During this 2-hour interactive workshop, your employees will learn how important it is to prepare for retirement on an administrative, financial and personal level. The workshop will be led by two senior speakers:

- SEBASTIEN KORF, chartered accountant with a specialization in pension and retirement advice

- PETRA BLESCHKE, certified trainer specializing in facilitating the transition from work to retirement on a personal level.

In an interactive way, they share current legislative information, retirement financial advice and practical tips, helping everyone to see more clearly and feel reassured.

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Raise awareness of the importance of anticipating the next stage of one's life, and provide food for thought on how to..:

  • Understanding the impact of pension reform 2023
  • How to determine your retirement pension
  • How to trigger retirement
  • A smooth transition to retirement
  • Dare to realize your desires to live the life you aspire to
Duration & Organization

1 2-hour in-class or distance learning workshop to prepare you administratively, financially and personally.

Public: employees of an organization, company or association who are close to retirement.

Prerequisites: Open-mindedness, willingness to understand each other better and develop new skills.

Teaching method: Basic theory, sharing experiences and best practices, sub-group discussions, self-assessment questionnaire.

Learning method: 50% theory, 50% exchange of experience

Evaluation methods: questionnaire at the end of the workshop

Price: €1,580 excluding VAT for a group of 30 participants

To take this workshop a step further, we recommend that you suggest that people who feel concerned by the theme of transition sign up for the "Starting my retirement on the right foot" training course.

This two-step approach first raises your employees' awareness of the issue, then encourages them to take responsibility by inviting them to sign up for the training on a voluntary basis, if they feel concerned.

A word from the Trainer-Coach
Certified Trainer & Facilitator
ARC innovation trainer
"This awareness-raising workshop fits in perfectly with your CSR approach and the improvement of Quality of Life and Working Conditions. With this offer, you support your employees towards a positive attitude until retirement."
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Quality & Financing
Training quality
ARC innovation is QUALIOPI certified for training courses and in the process of certification for skills assessments.
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Financing and pricing
All our solutions are eligible for OPCO financing or via your CPF!
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Overall satisfaction

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Starting my retirement on the right foot
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Passing on professional experience
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