
Creating and building a team

Coaching & Accompaniment

In today's fast-paced business world, a high-performance team is an organization's most valuable asset. Team creation and team building are crucial steps for companies striving for excellence.

Companies evolve, and with them, organizations and teams are constantly redefining themselves. Newcomers bring a welcome freshness, but how do you integrate them effectively? Opportunities are constantly changing, so how do you help your team to grasp them? How can we create that link between individuals and take full advantage of the team's strength to meet new challenges?  

Our aim is clear: to help companies create a solid foundation for their teams. Whether for newly-formed teams or for the smooth integration of new members, we are there to guide the process. We help teams get to know each other deeply, define their core values, establish the rules of the game and build their working methods together.

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  • Unleash the team's full potential.
  • Enable the team to get to know and understand each other, so they can interact better together.
  • Integrate new arrivals, support departing employees.
  • Create the solid foundations for team cohesion: shared values, common vision, team operating rules, review and action plan to achieve collective objectives.
  • Develop autonomy, responsibility and individual and collective performance within the team.
Duration & Organization

Duration: 1 to 2-day workshop with 1 to 2 intermediate follow-up sessions.  

The number of sessions and the pace are adapted to the team's needs.  

Public:management and operational teams in organizations, companies and associations.  

Prerequisites: Open-mindedness and willingness on the part of all team members and the manager to work on building a solid foundation for working collectively and effectively.

Methods: individual interviews, face-to-face group workshops.

A word from the Trainer-Coach
Certified Trainer & Coach
ARC innovation trainer
I'm deeply convinced that together we're stronger, richer, more creative and more efficient. And to take full advantage of the power of the collective, we need to take the time to build and get to know each other, and to define a way of working that will enable us to move forward together in the same direction.
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Quality & Financing
Training quality
ARC innovation is QUALIOPI certified for training courses and in the process of certification for skills assessments.
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Financing and pricing
All our solutions are eligible for OPCO financing or via your CPF!
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Overall satisfaction

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