Prevent mental overload


he mental load or cognitive load is "the cost of processing information, for an individual, in a given task and context". Cognitive load is natural: it exists as soon as we engage our cognitive abilities, and is not inherently bad. It's regular "cognitive overload" that can be harmful.   

We're feeling this mental burden more and more these days, in this unstable climate with all this workload. It's not always easy to find the right balance. We can never say it enough: tomorrow's companies will be those that are "humanly efficient" and not just "operationally efficient"!

Mental overload occurs when :

  • an employee has to process more information than his or her working memory can cope with,
  • multitasking, 
  • the task is too complex,
  • the physical or digital work environment is too stimulating, 
  • fatigue, stress or lack of motivation force him to increase the effort required to complete a task.   

Cognitive overload leads to negative consequences for the employee, such as increased risk of error, difficulty in memorizing information, planning actions and managing emotions.

For all these reasons, we have decided to launch our "Preventing mental overload" course. Our support is based on a pragmatic approach.Following a review of the company's objectives and expectations, and the needs of its employees, a tailor-made support program is developed by the coach-trainer.

To find out more about this new route, click here.

Certified Trainer & Facilitator